CN4A12 and CN4A24 - DC Motor Speed Control
The CN4A12 / 24 is a silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) type speed control for use with 12 / 24 VDC permanent magnet motors.
CN0121 - H-Bridge Amplifier
The CN0121 is a 4 quadrant (bi-directional) speed control designed for use with low voltage DC permanent magnet motors.
CN0182 - Servo Drive
The CN0182 makes a brush type DC servomotor emulate a step motor, preserving all of the advantages of a step motor while dispensing with many of its disadvantages.
CN0105 - DC Motor Speed Control
The CN0105 is a single quadrant (unidirectional) pulse width modulated speed control for permanent magnet DC motors.
CN0122 - Dual Input Drive
The CN0122 is a 4 quadrant (bi-directional) speed or torque control. It will control a DC permanent magnet motor in either a torque mode or velocity mode.