The CN0055 is a single quadrant (unidirectional) linear amplifier speed control for permanent magnet DC motors. IR compensation is used for feedback control, for a speed regulation of +/- 2% over a 50 to 1 speed range.
A trimpot is provided for speed regulation adjustment. Current is limited to a maximum of 5 amperes. Motor speed may be set with an external potentiometer or a 0 to 5 VDC control voltage.
The CN0055 is epoxy encapsulated and uses an oversize power transistor for maximum environmental and electrical ruggedness.
Power Supply Voltage: 5 VDC to 32 VDC
Current: 0 to 5 Amps
Amplifier Type: H Bridge Linear Amplifier
Regulation: +/- 2%
Power Dissipation: 150 Watts (max)
Operating Temperature: -40 to 70 Deg C
(-40 to 158 Deg F)
Weight: 6 Oz (170.1 g)
Size: 3" X 2" X .8"
(76.2mm X 50.8mm X 20.3mm)
Made in USA
Operator's Manual
Large Drawing
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